Global CIE Roundtable

 8th Global Comparative and International Education (Global CIE Forum) Roundtable

24th July 2025

Topic: “Internationalisation Strategies in Higher Education Institutions


Welcome to the Global CIE Forum roundtable on “Internationalisation Strategies in Higher Education Institutions.” As global education becomes increasingly interconnected, institutions are seeking effective strategies to enhance their international presence and collaboration. This discussion will delve into best practices, challenges, and innovative approaches to fostering global partnerships, expanding academic programs, and enriching student experiences. Our esteemed panel of experts will share insights and experiences, aiming to inspire and guide institutions in navigating the complexities of internationalization. We look forward to a robust exchange of ideas and solutions that will shape the future of higher education on a global scale.

The Global Comparative and International Education (Global CIE) Forum Roundtable was inaugurated in July 2018 at the International Journal of Multidisciplinary Comparative Studies-World Education Fellowship Collaborative Conference in London, United Kingdom. The main goal is to provide a platform for academics and practitioners to engage, annually, with the Global CIE Forum activities especially in-between its 3-year conference cycle. The 2nd edition of the roundtable took place in Dubai, UAE, in 2019;  the third, fourth and fifth editions took place virtually on 23 July 2020, 28 July 2021, 27 July 2022 respectively. The sixth edition of the roundtable returned to in-person, in Madrid,  Spain, on 26 July 2023, and Rome, Italy, on 25 July 2024.

For details about the Global CIE Forum Roundtable website.

Track 8: GlobalCIE – comparative and international education

Prof David Turner
Prof David Turner, President, Global CIE Forum.

Papers/abstracts/proposals are invited on any of the following or related topics:

(Send Abstract/Paper To: Kieteam[@]

Global Education PolicyCitizenship and Human Rights Education
Comparative Education  for Global  CitizenshipRelationships between Education and Society
Society and the Field of Comparative and International EducationFormal and non-formal learning at primary, secondary and tertiary education
Education for Sustainable DevelopmentSocial Justice and Inclusion
Learning for SustainabilityIndigenous knowledges
The Role of International Organizations in EducationDevelopment of Educational Institutions and Practices across the Globe
