Welcome to the Publications page of the KIE Conference. Here, you will find a comprehensive collection of research papers, articles, and presentations that embody the spirit of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Our publications serve as a vital resource for scholars, practitioners, and students seeking to deepen their understanding and contribute to the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship.
The KIE Conference proceedings are a curated selection of the best papers presented at the conference. Each paper undergoes a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of academic integrity and relevance. Our proceedings are published annually and are accessible to all conference participants and the wider academic community.
OPTION I: Publish your work in the KIE Conference Publications
We guarantee publication of your paper in the following books with individual ISBN identification numbers:
1) Research Papers on Knowledge, Innovation & Enterprise
Volume 12, 2025 (Peer Review Journal ISSN identified)
2) Unpacking Creativity: Culture, Innovation, and Motivation in Global Contexts
(Editor-reviewed Book; ISBN identified)
OPTION II: Publish your work in the Conference associated journal
The International Journal of Knowledge, Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IJKIE) is 2025 KIE Conference associated journal. The journal is completely independent of the KIE conference but registered participants have the opportunity to send their papers directly to the journal for consideration for publication in the journal following the peer review process. To submit paper to the journal, please follow the journal’s submission guidelines and send your paper directly to the The IJKIE journal will publish conference papers on a first come first served basis in order of registration. In order words, early registration is recommended.
OPTION III: Publish your work in the Conference recommended Journals
Presenters are encouraged to submit their papers as articles for publication in the following peer-reviewed journals:
1) Journal of Technology Transfer
2) Journal of Knowledge Management
3) Creativity and Innovation Management
4) International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
5) The International Journal of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology Management