KIE Communities of Practice
The International Conference on Knowledge, Innovation and Enterprise (KIE Conference) recently launched KIE Communities of Practice, a knowledge-sharing and networking forum which aim at creating connections among people across fields, practice, subject disciplines and boundaries.
Call for Members and leaders/Co-ordinators
You are very welcome to join us especially if you share a passion for knowledge, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, and Big Data Analytics & E-Business.
The KIE Communities of Practice are clustered around five domains – knowledge-education, creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and Data & E-Business. Please send us your cv if you are interested in leading or co-ordinating a community practice in any of the five domains.
We want each ‘community’ to develop its practice through activities such as teaching, learning and research collaboration, problem solving, grant-bidding and writing, scholarships, visiting, journal paper writing and publication, CPDs, mentoring and doctoral research supervision, etc.
Membership Benefits
Reduced/discounted registration fees at KIE conferences or events
Priority registration weather or not KIE conference or events are over subscribed
Invitation-only pre-conference CPD seminars and workshops
First-to-know about KIE conference or events
Invitation to chair a thematic theme or section at KIE Conferences
Invitation to chair, host or speak at post-conference or event expert session/s